Today is the perfect time to see if your business is getting the best value for money with your current cleaning contractor.
Do you feel you are over paying and the cleaning service is under delivering? Could the job be done in less time and more efficiently? Do you have reservations with your current set up?
Berry Cleaning has a 100% quality retention rate on all commercial cleaning contracts for the 10th year running. We don’t over charge and under deliver - we deliver cleaning and service standards beyond expectations… Consequently, we believe, through our unrivalled, attention to detail and holding every client in the highest of respect, has saved our clients thousands over the years.
Whatever your business may be, Berry would be delighted to asses your current cleaning program and offer free advice on whether we feel it can be improved and most of all, if we can save you money.
Times are tougher than ever in business and at home across the country. We are always looking for ways to improve and save our clients money, whether it’s a saving on the hours needed, or tweaking the cleaning program and consumable supply to get the most value out of your cleaning contract.
Today is a great day to give Berry a call. We would be more that happy to talk through your current set up, even if you’re just looking for some advice, we’d be more than happy to help! 😊